Monday, June 30, 2008

Everyone uses eBay these days, surely? It’s the world’s biggest marketplace after all. Did you know though that you don’t need to actually sell anything on eBay in order to make money from it? Interesting eh? In fact you don’t need to ever browse eBay’s labyrinthine category structure or ever have to look at a listing for the latest Big Brother spin off merchandise. In fact anyone who makes money from eBay by actually trading in items is positively passé.These days the big money is in profiting from other people’s auctions. eBay even produces a variety of kits to aid you in this most capitalist of crusades. With the eBay editor kit and the product kit you can create dynamic auction listings direct onto your website, with the latest bid price, buy it now options and end date all displayed. So for example if you ran a website about Video Games featuring reviews of the latest games you can have auction listings for the games displayed dynamically on your reviews pages. This works superbly for conversion rates because visitors to your site will get to read about the product, and then be presented with a selection of related auction listings to purchase the item.You need to do no work whatsoever to get these dynamic listings, eBay does the rest.eBay, being the behemoth that it is, uses a variety of providers for its affiliate scheme, including Commission Junction who we’ll come onto in a moment.

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